feast of the holy innocents

DECEMBER 28 is the traditional feast day of THE HOLY INNOCENTS.Despite the horror of the murders of the baby boys of Bethlehem, the numbers quoted in the Middle Ages of 14,000 or more, is not a possible number, considering the size of the town. Modern historians put...

St. Maria crocifissa di rosa

DECEMBER 15 is the traditional memorial of ST. MARY di ROSA (+1855).Born Paola di Rosa in Brescia, Italy in 1813, this saint was born into a well-to-do family. She was educated in a convent until the age of 17 when her mother died. Leaving her formal education behind...

Saint ralph sherwin

DECEMBER 1 is the traditional memorial of St. RALPH SHERWIN (+1581).Our saint of today was born in Rodsley, Derbyshire, England on October 25, 1550. A gifted young man, after finishing at Eton, he was given a fellowship to Exeter College, Oxford. Some say that his...