our cross country trip part five

After eight days of driving and touring, we got to our initial destination: Fernie, British Columbia. Here are cousins we never knew, adventures we haven’t taken and one loose end to a family mystery.We got there sooner than we thought. I calculated the trip...

our cross country trip part four

We are now in an arduous portion of the trip. North Dakota and Montana are not gentle places to be. Population centers are sparse. There are more cattle than humans. And more hay fields than families. Internet is sporatic at best, even with cell phone accessibility....

part three

Sunday was our move out day. We started out with coffee at 6. Always maintain the priorities! Coffee first, then the rest of life! We found a Catholic church just a few miles from the campground, St. Olaf’s. This is when you know for sure that you are in the land of...

our cross country trip part two

By Thursday noon time, we had logged one thousand plus miles and it was time for a break. We had reservations at a KOA campground just outside Madison, Wi. The campground is not noted for its beautiful surroundings or its privacy. It is composed of four concentric...


Early Tuesday morning we started out. Well, not that early.  It was almost 10:30. But, hey! The best part of vacation is that you don’t have to punch a clock! Our goal, however, was Columbus, Ohio. A mere 500 miles in one day. My dear hubby does not like straight...


We planned the wedding for seven months. I like to plan things early. Then there can be no unforeseen difficulties. I will have anticipated all! And, if I forget a detail, I have plenty of time to rectify the situation. Am I patting myself on the back? Sure am!So, the...