Life And Death

Today we buried my dad. He did not die a few days ago. Actually, he died two days before Thanksgiving, six months ago. But, in the cold north where we live, the Catholic cemetery will not dig graves between November 15 and April 15. The reason is, there could be snow...

Gifts Of The Holy Spirit-Wisdom

In a previous blog I listed the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, know- ledge, piety and fear of the Lord.  But, aside from the catechism, where do we find these gifts recorded? How do we know that they are truly the gifts of...

Death And Mourning

Today we buried my stepdad. He did not die a few days ago. Actually, he died two days before Thanksgiving, six months ago. But, in the cold north where we live, the Catholic cemetery will not dig graves between November 15 and April 15. The reason is, there could be...

A Tale of Two Conferences

I had the privilege of attending two Catholic conferences on two consecutive weekends in September. This essay is an analysis of the two and how they differed. The first one, sponsored by our diocese, had such well-known speakers as George Weigel, author of the...

Locating God On Vacation

It was 7:30 am. We were on the coast of Prince Edward Island with a trailer and a one hundred pound dog. And he wanted to go for a walk. I grabbed my rosary and shoved it in my pocket then grabbed his lead and took him out. It was a beautiful sunny morning. Until I...